blogger social media icons

How to Add Social Media Icons to Blogger













Nowadays, blogging goes hand in hand with your social media presence. You would want to connect with your readers on popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. It not only helps to build your presence outside your blog in social media sites, but also bring new visitors from those social networking sites.

The best way to get your readers to follow on social media sites is to show social media icons linking to your profile. Unfortunately, if you are blogging on Blogger platform, adding those social media icons in your blog can be a cumbersome process. To help you with this, I have created a Social Media Icons Generator for Blogger. In this article, I will introduce you how to use this tool.

How to Use Blogger Social Media Icons Generator

The Blogger Social Media Icons Generator is free and easy to use. You can use it to generate icons of popular social networking sites that links to your social media profiles or pages. It involves only 2 steps: Generate Icons and then Add to Blogger.

Generate Social Media Icons

To create the social media icons, all you need to do is to enter the URL of your social media profile page for all the social media sites that you want to create icons for. Currently, you can create social media icons for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and Pinterest in addition to the RSS Feed icon.

Read: How to show Related Posts in Blogger Blogs

Once you have entered all the links of your social media profiles, select the icon size. You can select small, medium or large icons. The small icon size should be more than enough.

After that, click on the Generate button. It should show a preview of the generated icons linking to your social media page. If you click on one of the icon, it should open your social media page in a new tab of your browser.

Add Social Media Icons to Your Blogger Blog

create add social media icons bloggers

If you are satisfied with your selections, click on Add to Blogger button to easily add the generated icons to your blogger blog. It should open a new browser tab with Blogger asking you to select a blog to add the icons. Select the correct blog and click on Add Widget.

Voila! The social media icons are now added to your blog. You should be able to view it on your blog. To control the position of the icons, go to Blogger dashboard > Layout > and drag the Gadget “Social Media” to the position you want.


I hope this little tool will help your blogging life easier. If you have feedback or suggestions about this tool, feel free to let me know in the comments.

8 responses to “How to Add Social Media Icons to Blogger”

  1. Very informative blog post.

  2. Maybe this is outdated, but I tried this twice and it didn’t work. I clicked on “generate” after adding my URL’s and nothing happened.

    1. Can you share the name of your browser? It is working when I tried on Google Chrome.

      1. Melanie Riley avatar

        That’s what I am using – Google Chrome.

      2. It is possible an extension on your browser is blocking the code. Could you please try on another browser? I also recommend deleting the cache. You can find instructions to clear the browser cache here.

  3. Melanie: You’re doing better than I am, LOL. I can’t even figure out WHERE to use the first instruction: enter the URLs for all the profile pages of the Social Media you want to make links for. Um, where to make that list? In an email, in blogger, in a Word document????

  4. Worked perfect! So easy to use. Thanks so much

  5. Thanks for the tool! Very easy

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